Common Name:- Kaffir-fig, Hottentot-fig.
Homotypic Synonyms:- Abryanthemum edule, Mesembryanthemum edule
Meaning:- Carpobrotus (Gr) Edible fruit.
Edulis (L) Edible, of food.
General description:- Low trailing and mat-forming perennial with a woody stem.
1) Opposite, united together at the base. narrow and tapered, 3-angled, upwardly
1) Large, 8-9 cm. with numerous yellow, yellowish-pink or pale purple linear petals.
2) Stamens, yellow.
1) Fleshy and slightly fig-like, edible.
Key features:-
1) Flowers, usually more than 5 cm diam.
Habitat:- Rocks, cliffs and sandy places, often planted near coasts.
Distribution:- Widespread and common throughout the Mediterranean area. Fairly
widespread around the coastal areas of Crete.
Flowering time:- Apr-July.
Photos:- By Steve Lenton
Most of the genera that occur in Europe originate from South Africa. They are
cultivated for ornamental use, and many have become naturalized in milder, more or
less frost-free, coastal regions of S. and W. Europe.
Extract from "Atlas of the Aegean Flora". By Arne Strid.
"Represented by two varieties, one with yellow and one with bright magenta-pink
flowers; the name C. acinaciformis as used by European authors probably refers to
the latter."